Irish Historical Research Prize

The National University of Ireland is undergoing a transformation at the moment, as its constituent Colleges become Universities in their own right. But the NUI will continue to play an important part in educational life, not least in fostering and encouraging research.
A good example of this role is the NUI Irish Historical Research Prize. This has been on offer for a long time but the Senate has recently decided to increase its value dramatically. A prize of £2,000, offered in alternate years, for the best new work submitted from NUI graduates/students, will attract considerable interest, and it is expected that the award will be a matter of great prestige, both for the successful recipient and the NUI itself.
Entries should be of an original character and reflect direct research in historical records. The Senate will decide whether the requisite scholarly standard has been reached and whether the prize should be awarded.
The prize is on offer in 1997, and applications for entry should be made to the Registrar, National University of Ireland, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, not later that 1 October 1997.