A chara,
—Further to Padraig Ó Snodaigh’s letter (HI 16.2, March/April2008) in response to Michael Gibbons’s review of Dublin Nazi No. 1: thelife of Adolf Mahr (HI 15.5, Sept./Oct. 2007), staff in the NationalMuseum may have regarded Mahr with respect as a scholar and scientistbut members of the security services would have another angle on thestory. My late father, who served as a Garda in the museum and thenearby state buildings before and after World War II, told me as achild that there had been a Nazi spy running the museum.
I do not mention this as an anti-German comment. My book Wigs and guns:Irish barristers in the Great War (2006) includes wider references toIrish–German relationships.
—Is mise . . .
Co. Átha Cliath