Oak apple in Cork

By John Stocks Powell How many people in Cork in 1677 would have known the story of the Boscobel oak tree in Shropshire and how Charles II hid from his enemies high in its branches after the defeat of Royalist forces by the Parliamentarians after the Battle of Worcester in September 1651? Yet this image … Read more


Sir,—‘On This Day’ in the last issue (HI 32.3, May/June 2024) discusses the British army ambush of IRA volunteers at Loughgall, where eight members of the IRA were shot dead. The short piece fails to mention Anthony Hughes, a civilian, who was shot dead by the SAS in the same incident, and his brother, who … Read more


Sir,—I read Daniel Mulhall’s piece (HI 32.3, May/June 2024) with interest. No context is given for the Citizen’s jibe about King Edward VII—‘There’s a bloody sight more Pox than Pax in that boyo’. Joyce set the novel in 1904, the year of the Entente Cordiale between England and France. In the first paragraphs of his … Read more