If you have recently completed a history thesis, book or articlerelating to such themes as the historic landscape, past settlementpatterns, place-names, the heritage industry, architectural history,town planning, demography or cultural change/continuity, then it mightmerit a mention in the British Archaeological Bibliography (BAB).
The BAB is an archaeological abstracting service administered bythe Council for British Archaeology, but funded by a consortium of ninearchaeological organisations in the United Kingdom. The bibliographyaims to provide comprehensive coverage of archaeological literaturerelating to both Britain and Ireland, including publications onheritage management, specialist scientific reports, archaeologicaltheory, and both public and political dimensions of the profession.
While a number of periodicals in Munster and neighbouring countiesare covered, some might not have reached the bibliography’s attentionyet. If you would like the contents of your local journal or specialistnewsletter to be considered for inclusion, or your postgraduate thesis,contact Greg Fewer, ‘Les Revenants’, Corballymore, Dunmore East, Co.Waterford. Since the bibliography is widely subscribed to in the UnitedStates as well as in Britain, it is a very useful way of getting theresults of your postgraduate (or other) research known to a wider,international, archaeological and history community.
A subscription to BAB for 1996 costs, in sterling, £45(individuals), £35 (students), or £99 (institutions), and is availablefrom: BAB Subscriptions, c/o Council for British Archaeology, BowesMorrell House, 111 Walmgate, York Y01 2UA, England.