Catholic Belfast and nationalist Ireland in the era of Joe Devlin, 1871–1934

Catholic Belfast and nationalist Ireland in the era of Joe Devlin, 1871–1934 A. C. Hepburn (Oxford University Press, £55) ISBN 9780199298846 To his admirers, ‘Wee’ Joe Devlin was a gifted orator, a powerful defender of Catholic rights and a champion of the working class, while detractors tend to see him as a ‘green Tory’, a … Read more

AOH roots in rural Ulster

Across a broad spectrum, from affronted ecclesiastic to paranoid loyalist, a considerable ‘rap-sheet’ mounted up against the AOH. The Ribbonmen (as they were also known) stood charged with sectarianism, violent suppression of political opponents, undue influence on the IPP machine and an ultimately separatist outlook. Nevertheless, behind this criticism lay the near-universal opinion that the … Read more

‘The glory of being Britons’: civic unionism in nineteenth-century Belfast

‘The glory of being Britons’: civic unionism in nineteenth-century Belfast John Bew (Irish Academic Press, €39.95) ISBN 9780716529743 This book challenges much received wisdom. Most accounts of nineteenth-century Ulster unionism emphasise the role of Orangeism and Evangelicalism in sustaining a pan-Protestant alliance and argue that its alleged cultural hegemony stifled alternative political currents within Ulster … Read more