By Joe Culley @TheRealCulls Lord Robert Ponsonby Tottenham, bishop of Clogher, suffered from a skin condition and was recommended to immerse himself in a bath of red wine each evening. However, unknown to the bishop, after his bath an enterprising servant duly decanted the contents into bottles and sold it in the village. This glorious … Read more

The Devil from over the Sea: Remembering and Forgetting Oliver Cromwell in Ireland

SARAH COVINGTON Oxford University Press £25 ISBN 9780198848318 Reviewed by Guy Beiner Guy Beiner is the Sullivan Chair of Irish Studies at Boston College. In the Irish countryside, a hex of ‘scrios Cromaill ort’ (typically cast by an elderly woman or a widow) was dreaded. The ‘Curse of Cromwell’ conjured up deep-rooted and traumatic historical … Read more

THE IRISH ASSASSINS: conspiracy, revenge, and the Phoenix Park Murders that stunned Victorian England

JULIE KAVANAGH Grove Press £18.99 ISBN 9781611856415 Reviewed by Barry Walsh Barry Walsh is a solicitor and a former Policy Adviser at the Department of An Taoiseach. The final decades of British rule in Ireland have been examined by many British authors in the last century, often with mixed results. The works of Charles Townshend, … Read more

‘THE FIRST NATIONAL MUSEUM’: Dublin’s Natural History Museum in the mid-nineteenth century

SHERRA MURPHY Cork University Press €39 ISBN 9781782054559 Reviewed by Tony Canavan Tony Canavan is Consultant Editor of Books Ireland. Ireland’s Natural History Museum—or the ‘Dead Zoo’, as it is called in popular tradition—is well known to most Irish people, from school visits if nothing else. In this interesting book, Sherra Murphy traces the history … Read more