The first Irish cities: an eighteenth-century transformation

DAVID DICKSON Yale University Press €22 ISBN 9780300229462 Reviewed by John Cunningham ‘Many of the best streets are entirely occupied by shops; these have all large windows, in which the articles are exhibited to attract purchasers. They also have over the doors a plank painted black, on which is inscribed, in gold letters, the name … Read more


By Joe Culley @TheRealCulls In the middle of the Civil War, an IRA intelligence report from November 1922 assessed the 52 pro-Treaty members of Dublin Corporation thus: ten Treaty, including (Lord Mayor) Laurence O’Neill and Alfie Byrne; 32 pro-Treaty, ‘but not so bad’; and ten hard pro-Treatyites, ‘real bad eggs’. One of those ‘bad eggs’ … Read more

Parnell and his times

JOEP LEERSSEN (ed.) Cambridge University Press £30 ISBN 9781108861786 Reviewed by Margaret O’Callaghan Margaret O’Callaghan is a historian and political analyst at Queen’s University, Belfast. This is a collection of essays written by some of the distinguished scholars who have held the annual Parnell Fellowship at Magdalene College, Cambridge, over the past decades. It is … Read more