December 01

Thur 2pm National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street. Public tour: The life and works of William Butler Yeats.

November 23

Thur 7.30pm Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 63 Merrion Sq. S. Settlement and architecture in Plantation Ireland: an archaeological perspective, James Lyttleton.

November 21

Thur 7.30pm Eblana Forum, Dún Laoghaire Club, 3 Eblana Avenue. Deansgrange graves, Jamie Moran. Thur 8pm Bray Cualann Historical Society, Royal Hotel. Fassaroe and related crosses, Rachel Moss. Adm. €5. Thur 8pm Greystones Archaeological & Historical Society, Holy Rosary Centre. A picture of romance: the story of Mabel Young and Paul Henry, Paul Flynn.

November 14

Thur 7.30pm Eblana Forum, Dún Laoghaire Club, 3 Eblana Avenue. Weapons of the Irish Revolution, Paul Callery.

December 13

Thur 5.30pm GPO Witness Visitor Centre, O’Connell St. Rebel Women of the 20th Century—Charlotte Despard, Margaret Ward. Free tickets @ Thur 7.30pm Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 63 Merrion Sq. S. The dioceses of Meath and Ossory in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Michael O’Neill.