October 31
Fri 8pm Sligo Field Club, Sligo IT Education Centre. Early medieval settlement, Finbar McCormick.
Fri 8pm Sligo Field Club, Sligo IT Education Centre. Early medieval settlement, Finbar McCormick.
Wed 6.30pm Old Dublin Society, Dublin City Library and Archive Conference Room, 138–144 Pearse Street. Methodists from the Free State to the Republic, Revd Dudley Levistone Cooney.
Tues 8pm Howth Peninsula Heritage Society, Howth Angling Centre, West Pier. William Dargan: an honourable man, Fergus Mulligan.
Sun 3pm County Kildare Archaeological Society, Kilcullen Heritage Centre. Kildare racecourses, past and present, Guy St John Williams. Adm. €5. Sun 3pm Heritage Services, Phoenix Park Visitors’ Centre. The sinking of the RMS Leinster, Philip Lecane.
Thur 8pm Rathfarnham Historical Society, Memorial Hall. The shadow war: Michael Collins and the politics of violence, Joe Connell.