July 29 – August 1

Tues–Fri Spirit of Mother Jones Festival, Maldron Hotel and Firkin Crane Centre, Shandon, Cork. Films, lectures, concerts, music, workshops, discussions, garden party and céile. Speakers: Betty Cook, Gareth Pierce, James Green, Luke Dineen, Rosemary Feurer, Dave Hopper, Anne Scargill, Si Kahn, Anne Feeney, Paul Winter, Claire McGettrick, Richard T. Cooke, Tadhg O’Sullivan, William Hammond. www.motherjonescork.com, … Read more

July 10

Sun Railway Preservation Society of Ireland ‘Sea Breeze’ steam train excursion: Dublin–Rosslare & return. Details: www.steamtrainsireland.com.

July 5

Wed 1pm National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Margaret Clarke (1884–1961)—an independent spirit, Niamh McNally.

July 3–6

Thur–Sun Robert Boyle Summer School, Lismore, Co. Waterford. Speakers: Eoin Gill, Jim Malone, Lawrence Principe, John Hedley Brooke, Terry Eagleton, Lorainne Hanlon, Luke O’Neill. www.robertboyle.ie, ao’donoghue@waterfordcouncil.ie, +353 (0)5854975.

June 27

Tues 8pm Howth Peninsula Heritage Society, Howth Angling Centre, West Pier. Dublin’s statues and sculptures, Neal Doherty.