February 19

Wed 8pm Dún Laoghaire Borough Historical Society, Royal Marine Hotel. William Dargan—an honourable life, Fergus Mulligan. Adm. €3. Wed 8pm Greystones Archaeological & Historical Society, Holy Rosary Centre. Famine research in County Clare, Seán Laoide Kemp.

February 14

Fri 8pm Military History Society of Ireland, Griffith College, South Circular Road. Construction of a legend: the Irish Wild Geese in Louis XIV’s army, 1689–1714, Padraig Lenihan.

February 12

Wed 6pm Old Dublin Society, Dublin City Library & Archive, 138–144 Pearse Street. Fr John Spratt, O.Carm., 1796–1871, Fergus D’Arcy. 12 Wed 7.45pm Knocklyon History Society, Pastoral Centre. An introduction to the life and work of Harry Clarke, James Curry.

February 7

Thur 8pm Mount Merrion Historical Society, Community Centre, North Ave. Frank Aiken, international statesman and external affairs minister, Stephen Kelly. Adm. €4/students €2.