Nov 28

Thur    7.30pm Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 63 Merrion Square S. From Tieghearmas to Goldfinger: compiling a medieval art history of Ireland, Rachel Moss. Thur    8pm Rathmines, Ranelagh & Rathgar Historical Society, Rathmines Town Hall. Another side of 1916: Rathmines love letters, Tessa Finn. Adm. €3.

Nov 25

Mon    8.30pm Kill History Group, Parish Meeting Room. Serving the State: 50 years of Irish Air Corps helicopter operations, Capt. David Brown.

Nov 21

Thur    8pm Bray Cualann Historical Society, 10 Prince of Wales Tce, Quinsboro Road. William Dargan, an honourable life, 1799–1867: looking at the life of the railway engineer, Fergus Mulligan. Adm. €4.

Nov 20

Wed    6.30pm   Old Dublin Society, Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse St. Lusk convict prison, 1856–1886, Rory McKenna. Wed    8pm Dún Laoghaire Borough Historical Society, Kingston Hotel. Rashers, revolution and royalty: Kingstown/Dún Laoghaire in the early twentieth century, Colin Scudds. Adm. €3.50.