From the age of five my mother, her sister and her three brothers would spend four to six long lazy weeks at her Auntie Annie’s farm in the country in the summer. Her uncle Jack would arrive in his black Morris Minor car and the whole bunch of kids, all five of them, would load … Read more

Mother’s memories as a returned emigrant

I lived in London until I was 8, then my family (Mam, Dad and I) returned to live on a farm outside Boyle.  Both my parents were Irish, having emigrated to England in the 1940s as there was no work in rural Ireland and for most 2nd level education and definitely 3rd level education was … Read more

Interview For History

My great, great,Uncle was James Connolly. He was born on the 11th of September 1897 in Kinlough, County Leitrim. He was the Captain of the Third Western Division in the IRA and he was killed in action at Finner Camp on the 29th of June 1922. He came from a long string of IRA members … Read more

Personal History – Francis Walsh

My story comes from my mother who was told this by her mother my grandmother. During the war of independence my grandmother was only a baby she lived through many raids in her small house in conemara her mother my great grandmother supported the I.R.A at the time so she helped hide guns and sometimes … Read more