Sparky debate

Sir, —Thank you for such an interesting magazine. I am delighted that itis being produced more often and am looking forward to some good andchallenging reading. I particularly like the letters pages. There issome real sparky debate there, much more so than the usual bland toneof similar magazines. It has the effect of making me … Read more

Nazism, Fascism, Bolshevism and long spoons

Sir, —I would like to comment on two contributions to the last issue (HI 13.3, May/June 2005), namely Desmond Fennell’s letter on Fascism and Brian Hanley’s study of Seán Russell’s (and the IRA’s) collaboration with Nazi Germany. Desmond Fennell attacks Professor Horne’s view of the resemblance between Fascism and Nazism and implies that an inquiry … Read more

From the Editor…

History Ireland goes global (and bi-monthly) A medievalist colleague of mine once remarked that in his line of work one event was an isolated incident, two was a trend. In that sense it is only with the publication of this March/April 2005 issue that we can truly claim to have gone bi-monthly. Not only will … Read more