Museum Eye

Sir, —I write to express the appreciation of the Irish MuseumsAssociation for the introduction of the review section entitled ‘MuseumEye’ in History Ireland. This very welcome innovation is enablingmuseums and galleries both large and small, national, regional andlocal, to come under the spotlight for your readers. The inclusion ofcontact details makes it easy for them … Read more

Divided loyalties in the Plunkett family

A chara, —Geraldine Plunkett Dillon’s memoir All in the blood, edited byHonor Ó Brolcháin and reviewed by Eoin Dillon in the Jan./Feb. 2007issue, is an important work. The book and subsequent publicityemphasised the republican aspects, but the Plunketts were not allradical nationalists. The family had divided loyalties, as detailed inmy Wigs and guns, Irish barristers … Read more

Left to the wolves: Irish victims of Stalinist terror

Left to the wolves: Irish victims of Stalinist terror Barry McLoughlin (Irish Academic Press, hb e57.50, pb e29.50) ISBN 9780716529149, 9780716529157 One of the things the Soviets did well was compiling and preserving records, and since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the liberalisation of access to its archives some brilliant studies have appeared … Read more