From the Editor…

Too soon to say/It’s early yet It is now ten years since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, and the anniversary has been marked by a plethora of analyses in both broadcast and print media (and books: see ‘Bookworm’, p. 54). Moreover, it comes at a time when most of the architects of the … Read more

Dr Patrick McCartan and Diarmuid Lynch

Sir, —In the lead photo (p. 22) of Michael Doorley’s article on ‘The Friends of Irish Freedom’ (HI 16.1, Jan./Feb. 2008), the figure to Dev’s immediate left is in fact Dr Patrick McCartan (and not FOIF secretary Diarmuid Lynch, as captioned). I should know—he was my godfather. —Yours etc., MAIRTÍN McCULLOUGH Blackrock Co. Dublin Subscribe … Read more

‘A Protestant parliament for a Protestant people’?

Sir, —John Draper and Graham Walker discussed the sectarian ‘boast’ ofNorthern Ireland’s first prime minister, Sir James Craig, that hepresided over a Protestant ‘parliament’, ‘government’, ‘people’ and/or‘state’ (Letters, HI 16.2, March/April 2008). As neither identifiedoriginal sources, there was confusion as to what exactly was said. In a separate letter, D. R. O’Connor Lysaght noted that … Read more


Sir, —Contrary to your editorial (HI 16.1, Jan./Feb. 2008), the case ofthe Pearson killings was not a ‘truly hidden history’. Among otheraccounts, local historian Paddy Heaney detailed the killings in hisbook At the foot of the Slieve Bloom: history and folklore ofCadamstown, published in 2000. As Brian Hanley argues in his review,the evidence suggests that … Read more