Sir, —In relation to the debate over Hidden History’s Coolacreasedocumentary, Brian Hanley (HI 16.1, Jan./Feb. 2008) says that ‘weshould accept the fact that there was undoubtedly an element ofsectarian conflict […]

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A chara, —Further to Padraig Ó Snodaigh’s letter (HI 16.2, March/April2008) in response to Michael Gibbons’s review of Dublin Nazi No. 1: thelife of Adolf Mahr (HI 15.5, Sept./Oct. 2007), […]

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Sir, —I am currently undertaking research for a Ph.D at Queen’sUniversity, Belfast, on the 10th (Irish) Division in the Great War.Drawing its recruits from all sectors of the Irish population, […]

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Sir, —In response to my necessarily brief article on the EucharisticCongress (HI 15.6, Nov./Dec. 2007), Anthony Jordan (letters, HI 16.1,Jan./Feb. 2008) remarks on my neglect in not mentioning the Cumann […]

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Sir, —Your Jan./Feb. 2008 issue proves that controversy still haunts the Irish revolutionary period. Brian Hanley (‘Fear and loathing at Coolacrease’) rightly cautions against emotive approaches to the past, yet […]

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