Contested island: Ireland 1460–1630

Contested island: Ireland 1460–1630 Divided kingdom: Ireland 1630–1800 S.J. Connolly (Oxford University Press, £35 each) ISBN 9780198208167 ISBN 9780199543472 The last decade has seen the publication of many surveys of the history of Ireland, including tomes from S.J. Connolly’s Queen’s University Belfast colleagues Alvin Jackson and Paul Bew. Tom Bartlett will shortly publish a single-volume … Read more


Irish history publishing tends to come in waves, often in tandem with public commemorations and anniversaries. A case in point is the 1798 Rebellion. In the run-up to the bicentenary commemorations what started as a trickle of articles and monographs, some on the occasion of the bicentenaries of the French Revolution in 1989 and the … Read more

Museum eye

Armagh’s cathedrals by Tony Canavan Church of Ireland +44 (0)28 [048 RoI] 37523142,, Daily 10am–5pm (–4pm Nov.–March) Suggested donation £3, £2 concession, children & students free Guided tours available with advance notice Catholic +44 (0)28 [048 RoI] 37522638/37522802, Admission free, voluntary donation Guided tours available with advance notice The Church of Ireland … Read more

TV Eye: Darwin Bicentenary

Last November the Irish Times published a highly disingenuous article by the DUP’s Mervyn Storey implying that the schoolchildren of Northern Ireland were being subjected to the ‘insidious indoctrination’ of ‘Darwinian evolutionists’, despite the fact that there were ‘huge swaths of scientific data that point in another direction’ (Irish Times, 3 November 2008). Storey did … Read more