Partition: The 1947 partition of India: Irish parallels

The twelve-volume series of official British documents, The transfer of power in India 1942–7, published between 1967 and 1982 is full of references to Ireland, many of them dire warnings about the awful example that Ireland offered to the British government as Indian independence  approached. The editor-in-chief, Irishman Nicholas Mansergh, Professor of Commonwealth History at … Read more

Demographic crisis: Revisiting the Bengal famine of 1943–4

The Great Bengal Famine of 1943–4 resulted in the deaths from starvation and famine-related diseases of over two million people. In pre-partition Bengal it reawakened dim collective memories of Chhiatt?rer monn?ntór, the massive but poorly documented famine that had produced devastation in 1770. In India and Bangladesh both famines are seen as colonial famines: the … Read more

Politics: Learning the tricks of the imperial secession trade: Irish and Indian nationalism in the ’30s and ’40s

Throughout the first half of the twentieth century many household names from the Indian nationalist movement came to Ireland. Keen friendships developed between a variety of Irish and Indian agitators, embracing many of the leading political and literary figures of the day from both countries. As a result of their shared imperial histories, comparisons and … Read more

Commemoration:Nationalism, empire and memory: the Connaught Rangers mutiny, June 1920

On 28 June 1920, a company of the Connaught Rangers stationed at Jullundur on the plains of the Punjab refused to perform their military duties as a protest against the activities of the British Army in Ireland. On the following day, the mutineers sent two emissaries to a company of Connaught Rangers stationed at Solon, … Read more