Immediate and terrible economic collapse?

In spite of severe ongoing cutbacks, not to mention a philistine and counterproductive proposal to amalgamate it with the National Library to save money, the National Archives scored another triumph recently with the launch of its on-line Treaty exhibition (, which includes not only the signed 1921 Treaty document itself (now available to the public … Read more

Year of disappearances

Sir,—I am glad to be in the position to let Niall Meehan and Pádraig Óg Ó Ruairc (letters, HI, Nov./Dec. 2011) know that any errors—mostly minor transcriptional and/or typographical—that they found in the first edition of The Year of Disappearances have been corrected as part of the process of bringing out a second edition. Any other issues raised … Read more

‘A Hard Local War: the British Army and the guerilla war in Cork, 1919-1921.’

Sir,—May I add afew words to W.H. Kautt’s review of William Sheehan’s A Hard Local War: the British Army and the guerilla war in Cork,1919-1921 (HI 19.4, July/August2011)? Sheehan refers to a book of mine, TheOrigins and Organisation of British Propaganda in Ireland, 1920, and claimsthat I make ‘sweeping claims’ such as ‘the British Army … Read more