Year of disappearances

Sir,—I am glad to be in the position to let Niall Meehan and Pádraig Óg Ó Ruairc (letters, HI, Nov./Dec. 2011) know that any errors—mostly minor transcriptional and/or typographical—that they found in the first edition of The Year of Disappearances have been corrected as part of the process of bringing out a second edition. Any other issues raised … Read more

‘A Hard Local War: the British Army and the guerilla war in Cork, 1919-1921.’

Sir,—May I add afew words to W.H. Kautt’s review of William Sheehan’s A Hard Local War: the British Army and the guerilla war in Cork,1919-1921 (HI 19.4, July/August2011)? Sheehan refers to a book of mine, TheOrigins and Organisation of British Propaganda in Ireland, 1920, and claimsthat I make ‘sweeping claims’ such as ‘the British Army … Read more

Diarmuid Lynch and the Bureau of Military History

Sir,—Fearghal McGarry’s article on the Bureau of Military History and Easter 1916 (HI 19.6, Nov./Dec. 2011) does not give credit to the first recorder of witness statements, Diarmuid Lynch. Repatriated from America to Ireland in 1932, Lynch began an active programme of contacting, interviewing and recording statements from all those of the GPO garrison who … Read more

Manchester Martyrs

Sir,—I would like to thank Conor McNamara for bringing to the attention of readers ‘Special Constable Samuel Page’s letter to his mother’ concerning the execution of the ‘Manchester Martyrs’, Allen, Larkin and O’Brien, on 23 November 1867 (HI 19.6, Nov./Dec. 2011). Readers may or may not be aware that a fourth man, Captain Edward O’Meagher … Read more