Unionist women

Ireland’s largest women’s political organisation, the Ulster Women’s Unionist Council (UWUC), reacted swiftly to the announcement of war, suspending most of its political activities and throwing itself instead into supporting the Empire in its hour of need. Having been established in 1911 to support the work of the entirely male Ulster Unionist Council, it nonetheless … Read more

Maxim machine-gun

The first true modern machine-gun was created by American inventor Hiram Maxim in 1884. Indeed, the four greatest names of machine-gun history—Gatling, Maxim, Browning and Lewis—were all Americans. There had been machine-guns created in time for the American Civil War (1861–5) but these were hand-cranked. In 1915 Maxim recalled being told in 1882: ‘Hang your … Read more

From Mons to Ypres: Irish battalions in the BEF, 1914

Eight infantry regiments of the British Army recruited in Ireland, each of which maintained a peacetime complement of two ‘active’ battalions and at least one battalion of reservists. The exception to this rule was the London-based Irish Guards regiment, which only retained a single battalion of choice troops. As the fundamental tactical unit of the … Read more