Dresden Descendants’ Project

Sir,—In 1889, approximately 1,772 emigrants from Ireland (including members of my family) embarked on the SS Dresden in Cobh, Co. Cork, for Buenos Aires. Since then there has been very little research done to recover the memory of their migratory experience within Argentina. We know from anecdotal evidence that several families re-emigrated to the USA … Read more

Ireland & WWI

Sir,—Congratulations on your special issue ‘Ireland & WWI’ (HI 22.4, July/ Aug. 2014), which made very interesting reading. Allow me to add some additional information. One gets the impression from reading Edward Madigan’s article on the Cross of Sacrifice, erected recently at Glasnevin Cemetery, that Company Sergeant-Major Martin Doyle was serving with the Royal Dublin … Read more

Review of Broken Sword

Sir,—I feel that I must respond to Dr Timothy Bowman’s comments in his review of my biography of Brigadier General F. P. Crozier, Broken Sword (HI 22.4, July/Aug. 2014). He describes me as a ‘popular’ historian, a term often used by academics to describe those who work in the same field but lack Ph.Ds. I … Read more