On this Day

ON THIS DAY   MAY/JUNE 2015   MAY 01/1945 Joseph Goebbels (47), Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany since 1933, and one of Hitlers closest associates, committed suicide in a Berlin bunker, having poisoned his wife and six children.   06/1915 Orson Welles, actor, director, writer and producer who made his stage debut at … Read more

The Bureau of Military History and the Boston College project compared and contrasted

The PSNI’s decision to investigate crimes committed during the Northern troubles using subpoenaed interviews from the now-infamous Boston College ‘Belfast’ oral history project continues to have an impact on republican and loyalist paramilitary interviewees and veterans. So far, they have questioned Gerry Adams, brought charges against Ivor Bell (a former IRA commander) and pursued access … Read more


Dublin’s famous Mansion House celebrates its 200th anniversary this year, meaning that it is even older than London’s Mansion House. In 1715 it was purchased for £3,500 from Joshua Dawson by the Corporation as the lord mayor’s residence. Part of the sale agreement included an annual rent of 40 shillings and the provision of two … Read more