The ‘Castle Document’

By Joseph E.A. Connell Jr There was a small press at Count Plunkett’s home of Larkfield, Kimmage, on which it is said that the ‘Castle Document’ was printed on 13 April 1916. This document alleged that the Dublin Castle authorities proposed to arrest many important public figures, and to raid homes and buildings: ‘First, the … Read more


MARCH 03 Thur 1pm National Museum, Kildare Street. Beating the retreat? The final hours of the Rising in Moore Street, Franc Myles. 03 Thur 7pm DLR 1916 Rising Committee, dlr Lexicon, Moran Park, Dún Laoghaire. Captain Jack White, Leo Keohane. 03 Thur 7pm Trinity College Dublin and Glasnevin Trust, Glasnevin Cemetery Museum. From shoebox to … Read more

On this Day

March 01/1976 Secretary of State Merlyn Rees announced the ending of special- category status for political prisoners in Northern Ireland. 04/1966 Capital punishment was abolished in Northern Ireland, except for political murders. 06/1918 John Redmond (62), leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party since 1900, died. 07/1936 German troops occupied the Rhineland in defiance of the … Read more