Sir,—In disputing the attribution of a photograph of the New Zealand prime minister ‘outside 10 Downing Street’ (HI 23.6, Nov./Dec. 2015, p. 35), W. Peter Dunne claims to be familiar […]

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Sir,—Michael Robinson’s ‘Broken soldiers’ (HI 24.2, March/April 2016) was a most interesting read. His observation that ‘medical officers were not initially paid for a man rejected’ on examination for recruitment […]

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Sir,—In his review of Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh’s I mBéal an Bháis: The Great Famine and the language shift in nineteenth-century Ireland (HI 24.1, Jan./Feb. 2016), Proinsias Ó Drisceoil makes a […]

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Sir,—David Snook’s letter (HI 24.1, Jan./Feb. 2016) is further confirmation of the need for research to get to the truth about the sinking of the Lusitania. But this cannot start […]

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Sir,—I have noticed one or two claims in Patrick Maume’s review of my biography of Arthur Griffith (HI 24.2, March/April 2016) that I think necessitate a response. Irrespective of his […]

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