Black ’47

Sir,—Emily Mark-Fitzgerald (HI 26.3, May/June 2018, What’s On Film) has got both the quotation and the attribution to A.M. Sullivan wrong. The actual sentence from a Times of London editorial of 1847, which I read myself while researching a short biography of Terence Bellew McManus in the late ’60s, reads: ‘Thanks to a bountiful providence, … Read more

Duchy of Lorraine

Sir,—The summary of the history of Lorraine at the end of the interesting article by Stephen Griffin and Jérémy Filet on Duke Leopold’s Irish subjects and Jacobitism in Lorraine, 1699–1727 (HI 26.3, May/June 2018), falls a bit short at the end in terms of factual precision and explanation of significance. As part of the negotiations … Read more

Independence Day

Sir,—If Ireland is to celebrate an Independence Day, as advocated by Dennis Kennedy (HI 26.3, May/June 2018, Platform), it should be on 14 December, because on that day in 1918 her voters, quietly and peaceably in the polling booths, determined that Ireland should be a sovereign and independent state. The Times, no friend of Ireland, … Read more