By Frank McDonald It was Trevor White, director of the wonderful Little Museum of Dublin, who suggested a year ago that I might write an ‘essay’ for an exhibition it was planning, with A Little History of the Future of Dublin as its clever title. The idea was to explore how different generations of Dubliners … Read more


Declan Keenan’s ‘An inauguration of a MacWilliam Íochtair at Rausakeera, Co. Mayo, during the Nine Years War’ (HI 29.6, Nov./Dec. 2021) included the line (p. 23, top of first column) ‘He [Theobald ne Long (Theobald of the Ships)] had reportedly access to three galleys and a mini-navy comprising hundreds of ships, a rarity in Gaelic … Read more


Sir,—In his excellent article on Delia Murphy (HI 29.6, Nov./Dec. 2021) Aidan O’Hara stated that Seán Ó Siocháin was a ‘former President of the GAA’. This is incorrect, as Ó Siocháin never held the position of President. However, he did hold official positions in the GAA for many years, beginning in 1946 when he became … Read more