MAY 13/1986 Peadar O’Donnell (93), militant socialist, died. Born in the Irish-speaking Rosses of north-west Donegal, the youngest of nine children of a musician and migrant worker, O’Donnell was amongst […]

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By Maria Luddy The original ‘Directory of Sources for Irish Women’s History’ was made available on CD-ROM in 1999. With the advances in technology, the CD has now become obsolete […]

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One of the positive results of the ‘decade of centenaries’, and of recent historical scholarship generally, has been an increased awareness of the role of women in all aspects of […]

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By Joseph E.A. Connell Jr In April 1916, Austin Stack was IRB Centre and commander of the Irish Volunteers in Kerry. When Stack heard that Sir Roger Casement had landed […]

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EMMET O’CONNOR UCD Press €27 ISBN 9781910820858 Reviewed by Niall Meehan Niall Meehan is the retired head of the Journalism and Media Faculty, Griffith College. Accounts of the 1912 and […]

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