Worlds Apart?

It had seriously occurred to me, on readingStevan Ellis’s ‘“More irish than the Irish themselves’?: the“Anglo-Irish” in Tudor Ireland’ (HI Spring 1999), which seems to arguefor a total separation of the ‘Gaelic’ and ‘English’ elements inmedieval Irish history, that this view, expressed with heavy Swiftiansarcasm, represents a deliberate parody. How else could Dr Ellis regardthe … Read more

Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies

The Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Aberdeen is the first of its kind in the world. It is a unique interdisciplinary centre of excellence that offers taught masters and doctoral programmes in history, language, literature and culture of Ireland and Scotland and carries out research across these disciplines. Founded … Read more

Gray’s Elegy

PC    Your father taught history at Queen’s. Did this influence your own enthusiasm for history? JG    The endless discussions at home about modern history and politics were much more influential. I discovered that my father was in a state of almost permanent opposition to the condition of the world, although little was said of Ireland … Read more