The Scottish-Irish Orange Connection

Sir,—In the last issue (HI Autumn 1999) T.G. Fraser (‘The Scottish-Irish Orange Connection’) claims that ‘no better reminder of one of Ireland’s most distinctive contributions to Scottish society could have been found than the parade held by the Loyal Orange Institution of Scotland in the south Ayrshire town of Cumnock on 12 September 1998…to commemorate … Read more

Casement and the Bells of Belfast

Sir,—I am researching certain aspects of political, personal andcultural life in Edwardian Belfast relating to Roger Casement and havecome across a family that plays a mysterious part in his activities ofthat era, but whose details I cannot trace beyond the publiclyavailable records of censuses, wills, and street directories. The family consisted of the father, William … Read more

Dursey Island

Sir,—I was interested to read Stephen Royle’s article in the last issue on Irish island emigration and its legacy. I have just spent six months on Dursey Island, West Cork from September 1998 to February 1999. Dursey has a total population of five native islanders with several houses renovated as holiday homes. I would like … Read more