The Scottish-Irish Orange Connection

Sir,—In the last issue (HI Autumn 1999) T.G. Fraser (‘The Scottish-Irish Orange Connection’) claims that ‘no better reminder of one of Ireland’s most distinctive contributions to Scottish society could have been found than the parade held by the Loyal Orange Institution of Scotland in the south Ayrshire town of Cumnock on 12 September 1998…to commemorate … Read more

Dursey Island

Sir,—I was interested to read Stephen Royle’s article in the last issue on Irish island emigration and its legacy. I have just spent six months on Dursey Island, West Cork from September 1998 to February 1999. Dursey has a total population of five native islanders with several houses renovated as holiday homes. I would like … Read more

Poppy Day

Sir,—I agree with Brian Hanley (HI Spring 1999) that ‘the conflictssurrounding Poppy Day in the ‘20s and ‘30s were more complexthan         present-day commentators have allowed’.One-hundred-and-seventy-thousand out of 180,000 Volunteers had remainedloyal to their elected political leader in his constitutional approach.A significant number had put their lives on the line on the Somme andother battlefields. Afterwards … Read more

Ancient Britons

Sir,—I am researching the Ancient Britons fencible cavalry’s activitiesin Ireland before, during and after the 1798 Rebellion. Beingparticularly interested in the mythic as well as factual aspects oftheir involvement in 1790s Ireland, I wish to explore just why twocenturies on they still epitomise unchecked brutality and atrocity.That this body of North Welsh cavalry went from … Read more