Sir,—Iam researching the history of commercial brewing in the North-West ofIreland. In particular I am looking for information on Martin JosephMadden Jr, a native of Sligo who resided in Bray, County Wicklow, fromthe 1880s onwards, and Kathleen V. Davys, another native of Sligo whoresided in Bangor, County Down, up to the 1920s. Martin JosephMadden Jr, … Read more

John Henry Foley

Sir,—Weare developing a film documentary about the life and work of the greatIrish Victorian sculptor John Henry Foley. Dubliners will be familiarwith his statues of Edmund Burke, Oliver Goldsmith and Henry Grattan atthe front of Trinity College. According to the critic Brian Fallon, ‘Noart works are woven more densely and intimately into the fabric ofnational … Read more

The Catholics of Ulster

Sir,—I found it odd that you did not aska historian to review The Catholics of Ulster by Marianne Elliott whois not only a noted historian but one of History Ireland’s patrons. Others better qualified or at least possessing ‘the nobility of theGaelic mind’ (to use just one of Mons. Murray’s unhistorical phrases)will, no doubt take … Read more