1 George ———, Anglo-Irish physicist who introduced the idea and name of the electron (6).
5 William ‘Guillermo’ ———, Cork-born scientist who helped establish Spain’s Natural History Museum (6).
10 Robert and Thomas ———-, conspirators in the Gunpowder Plot (7).
11 United Irishman Malachy ———- accompanied Robert Emmet to France to brief Napoleon Bonaparte (7).
12 Wilson was the middle name of this US president (6).
15 Bergen ———, Nazi concentration camp in Lower Saxony (6).
16 This town in Berkshire was the site of two battles during the English Civil War (7).
17 Northern Irish political party founded in 1970 (4).
18 —— O’Connor, Irish republican activist executed in 1922 (4).
19 Emit long, loud cries (7).
20 —— Luxemburg, Marxist theorist, philosopher, economist and revolutionary socialist of Polish Jewish descent (4).
22 Hugh de Lacy built a famous castle here in the late twelfth century (4).
25 Noel ———-, Irish film and theatrical producer of My Left Foot and The Field (7).
27 ‘On ——— Road on an autumn day, I met her first and knew’—Kavanagh poem (6).
28 Figure in Greek mythology and a chapter in Joyce’s Ulysses (6).
31 Its capital is Quito (7).
32 Meister ———-, German theologian, philosopher and mystic who was tried as a heretic by Pope John XXII (7).
33 Greek god of beauty and desire (6).
34 Standish James – ——-, Cork-born historical novelist and literary historian (1, 5).
2 John ———-, Carlow-born nineteenth-century physicist who brought experimental physics to a wider audience (7).
3 Fred ———, aviator and navigator who disappeared with Amelia Earhart over the Pacific Ocean (6).
4 Edmund of Langley was the first duke of —— (4).
5 In the eighth century this English monk and historian described Ireland as a land abounding in milk and honey (4).
6 English Cardinal Thomas ———, an influential figure in Henry VIII’s court (6).
7 First name of Mr Guevara (7).
8 Richard Montgomery, hero of the American Revolution, was born in this north Dublin town in 1738 (6).
9 Where to find Anzac Bridge and a famous Opera House designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon (6).
13 James Beaumont ———-, Scottish inventor and engineer whose hot-blast process greatly increased the efficiency of smelting iron (7).
14 French philosopher and theologian and ill-fated lover of Heloise (7).
15 John ———-, English antiquary, author and editor who wrote The beauties of England and Wales series (7)
20 The Battle of ——— Drift, battle in the Anglo-Zulu War, celebrated in the film Zulu (6).
21 The father of Sigurd the dragon-slayer in Norse mythology (7).
23 The title ‘earl of ———-’ was created for Edward Plantagenet in the late fourteenth century (7).
24 The ——— Ann, a ship containing a large quantity of arms and ammunition for the IRA, was intercepted off the south-west coast of Ireland in 1984 (6).
25 John Dryden wrote ‘Forgiveness to the injured does belong; but they ne’er —— who have done wrong’ (6).
26 Jacques ———, finance minister of Louis XVI in the run-up to the French Revolution (6).
29 Peninsula in Northern Ireland where the Norman family of Savage built several castles and priories (4).
30 Roman emperor from AD 54 to 68 (4).