Eamon ‘Bob’ Price and Máire nic Shiubhlaigh


—I was pleasantly surprised to see the portrait of the IRA GHQstaff in your May/June 2008 edition. David O’Donoghue’s assertionsabout their work are correct. I am currently researching the life ofDirector of Organisation Eamon ‘Bob’ Price for inclusion in anexpanded, revised edition of my father Ted Kenny’s book, The splendidyears.
The book recounted my grand-aunt Máire nic Shiubhlaigh’s participationin the foundation of the Abbey and her experiences while leading Cumannna mBan in Jacob’s in 1916. Máire married ‘Uncle Bob’ after the war,and they helped my widowed grandmother raise my father. Ted wroteMáire’s story over a period of years and published it in 1956. He wasdissatisfied with the final production and, after a lengthy battle withJames Duffy and Co., took the book out of circulation. Unfortunately henever got around to republishing it with his corrections and I amattempting to do this for him, with a section expanding on Máire andBob’s exceptional lives. I would be grateful to anyone with anyinformation about Máire and her family (the Walkers) and Eamon Priceand his family (especially his sister Leslie, who married TomBarry).

—Yours etc.,
+353 (0)86 8361674