Eucharistic Congress & W. T. Cosgrove


—Rory O’Dwyer gives an interesting account of the EucharisticCongress of 1932 (HI 15.6, Nov./Dec. 2007). I am rather disappointed,though in no way surprised, given the nexus of interconnected interestsbetween the almost permanent government of Fianna Fáil and all strandsof Irish society, that he does not mention W. T. Cosgrave or theprevious Cumann na nGaedheal government. Cosgrave’s government did muchof the long-term planning for the Congress. Indeed, there is a strongpossibility that one of Cosgrave’s reasons for calling an early generalelection in 1932 may have been to ensure that nothing would mar theholding of the Congress during the summer.

—Yours etc.,
Dublin 4