Mathew de Renzi

Sir,—I refer to the article ‘A German planter in the Midlands’, byBrendan Ryan (HI Spring 2000). Readers might be interested in thefollowing items for further reading: R. Loeber, ‘Civilization throughplantation: the projects of Mathew de Renzi’, in H. Murtagh (ed.),Irish Midland Studies (1980); B. Mac Cuarta, ‘A planter’s interactionwith Gaelic culture: Sir Matthew De Renzy’, in Irish Economic andSocial History, 20 (1993); B. Mac Cuarta, ‘A planter in a Gaeliclordship: Matthew De Renzy’s landholding in Delvin Mac Coghlan,1613-1620’, Studia Hibernica 30 (1998); B. Mac Cuarta, ‘A planter’sfuneral, legacies, and inventory: Sir Matthew De Renzy’, Journal of theRoyal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 127 (1997).

—Yours etc.,