Addressing the jury in the course of George J.’s trial for using an instrument with intent to procure the miscarriage of his girlfriend Carrie D. in June 1945, Mr Justice McCarthy told the jurors that for the past ten or twelve years in Dublin ‘crimes of passion of the worst character have come before the courts’. The judge seems to have regarded abortion as a crime of passion, which ‘reveal[ed] mankind at its worst’ (NAI, CCA, 60/1945). An editorial in the Irish Times the previous summer had also expressed a strong sense of disgust at the number of abortion cases before the courts. The editor reminded its readers that ‘Dublin is probably no worse and no better than any other city of its size’ and that the city’s ‘inhabitants are prone to all the many frailties of human kind. Vice lives check by jowl with virtue in our midst, and the mere fact that our people happen to be Irish does not endow them with any monopoly of either good or evil qualities’ (Irish Times, 2 August 1944). While Irish women may have been less inclined to resort to abortion to control their fertility than British women during the first half of the twentieth century, Iri