November 09

  • 1970 General Charles de Gaulle (79), president of France (1958–69) and great-grandson of Marie Angelique McCartan from County Down, died.
  • 1990 Mary Robinson (46), the Labour Party nominee, was installed as the seventh president of Ireland.
  • 1990 Mary Robinson was elected the first woman president of Ireland, with 39.9% of the vote.
  • 1938 Kristallnacht—‘the night of broken glass’. Gangs of SA storm troopers, SS men and Nazi supporters attacked Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues across Germany.
  • 1918 Kaiser William II abdicated and fled to neutral Holland. Germany became a republic.
  • 1891 P. W. Nally (34), Fenian, athlete and co-founder of the Gaelic Athletic Association (1884), died.
  • 1990 Mary Robinson was sworn in as seventh president of Ireland.
  • 1966 Jack Lynch was elected leader of Fianna Fáil and taoiseach the following day.
  • 1923 Hitler’s ‘Beer Hall Putsch’—an attempted coup d’état by the Nazi party—ended in failure when c. 2,000 Nazis were confronted by a police cordon in Munich city centre, resulting in the deaths of sixteen party members and four police officers.