October 05

Published in On this Day listing

  • 1771 Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, arrived in Ireland on a six-week visit.
  • 1977 Seamus Costello (38), leader of the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP), was shot dead in Dublin, the first Irish party leader to be assassinated.
  • 1974 The IRA bombed two public houses in Guildford, Surrey, killing five and injuring a further 65.
  • 1970 On a visit to Ireland, US President Richard M. Nixon visited Timahoe, Co. Laois, the reputed burial place of a Quaker ancestor named Milhouse.
  • 1968 In Derry over 100 injured when a march by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, which had been banned, was brutally dispersed by the RUC.
  • 1968 Seventy-seven marchers and eleven members of the RUC were injured in violent clashes during a banned Northern Ireland Civil Rights march in Derry.
  • 1911 Brian O’Nolan, alias Flann O’Brien and Myles na gCopaleen, wit, novelist and Irish Times columnist, born in Strabane, Co. Tyrone.
  • 1974 A 6lb IRA gelignite bomb exploded in the Horse and Groom public house in Guildford, Surrey, premises regularly frequented by off-duty servicemen and women. Four soldiers and a civilian were killed and over 50 injured.

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