—As current Head of the School of History and Anthropology atQueen’s I am happy to reassure Eoin Dillon (‘Platform’, HI 14.4,July/August 2006) that African history is far from defunct in Belfast.We have already appointed a lecturer in African history (Dr RobertBlyth) to fill the gap left by the tragic death of Martin Lynn in 2005,and modules on African history are once more an important part of ourundergraduate degree programme.
In the interests of accuracy I feel I should also point out thatQueen’s did not have an established lectureship in African history, asis suggested in Mr Dillon’s article. Martin was originally appointed asa lecturer in British history, and developed his teaching in African(and Asian) history alongside courses on nineteenth- andtwentieth-century Britain and the British Empire. He chose the title‘Professor of African History’ (in recognition of his own primaryresearch interest) for the personal chair to which he was promoted in2003. He is of course greatly missed by all his colleagues. A memoir,by Professor Peter Jupp, was published in British Empire in the 1950s:retreat or revival? (Palgrave, 2005).
—Yours etc.,
Queen’s University
On the latter point Eoin Dillon spotted the error and submitted anamended version. Unfortunately in the rush to print the earlieruncorrected version slipped through. Apologies to all concerned.