The Cathal Óg Mac Maghnusa History and Culture Bursary

The bursary—in memory of Cathal Óg Mac Maghnusa (l439-98), cleric,political leader and, above all, compiler of the Annals of Ulster—isintended to promote further study and research into the cultural andintellectual heritage and the history, both ecclesiastical and secular,of the territory covered by the diocese of Clogher—an area thatrepresents, in large measure, the medieval territory of Airgialla.
The bursary (£1,000) will be awarded annually. Entrants will berequired to furnish a synopsis (200-400 words approx.) before 30 Juneof the relevant year. Having received approval from the judging panel,they must deliver a completed article (15,000-25,000 words), before 31December of the same year.
The synopsis should indicate: the subject matter; the nature of thesources; whether the article will be in English or Irish. The prizewill be awarded at a ceremony in Enniskillen on or near 23 March (theanniversary of the death of Cathal Óg Mac Maghnusa) following theclosing date. The panel of judges comprises: Dr Joseph Duffy, Bishop ofClogher; Mr Theo McMahon, Hon. Editor, Clogher Record; Dr Nollaig ÓMuraile, Queen’s University, Belfast; Dr Katharine Simms, TrinityCollege.
Enquiries: Theo McMahon, 6 Tully, Monaghan, Ireland.