(Pembroke College, Cambridge)
‘Hugh Mac Shane, the father of this Feagh, first began to lift up his head, and through the strength and great fastnes of Glan-Malor, which adjoyneth unto his house of Ballinecor, drew unto him many theeves and out-lawes, which fled unto the succour of that glynne, as to a sanctuary, and brought unto him part of the spoyle of all the countrey, through which he grew strong, and in short space got unto himselfe a great name thereby amongst the Irish, in whose footing this his sonne continuing, hath, through many unhappy occasions, increased his said name, and the opinion of his greatnes, insomuch that now he is become a dangerous enemy to deale withall.’
(View of the state of Ireland written dialogue wise between Eudoxus and Irenus by Edmund Spencer Esq. in the yeare 1596)