What’s in our March/April 2015 issue?

The new issue is out! 2015 falls between two HI March2015 covercentenary years, but there are some big events to be marked this year and we’re trying to do our bit: Gallipoli looms large in our current issue, but there are a few others things between its cover, including:


  • Brian Hanley on commemorating 1916
  • Fiona Fitzsimons of Eneclann on Catholic church registers and genealogy
  • A Turkish perspective on Gallipoli
  • Road bowling in Belfast
  • The informer Leonard MacNally in the 1790s
  • Ronan Fanning reviews Roy Foster’s Vivid faces
  • Reviews of Charlie, the (current!) museum on the GPO, and the latest instalment of the Irish Historic Towns Atlas

And lots more letters, reviews, articles, and, last but not least, a crossword. The March/April issue of History Ireland is out now. Enjoy!